Living To Tell It

Monday, September 25, 2006

fun party

My family came over tonight for a good ol' southern meal of mustard greens, white beans, corn bread, fried pork chops, buttered carrots, and corn casserole. Afterwards, we had birthday cake and ice cream in honor of my sister-in-law's 54th birthday (which is tomorrow.) It was very enjoyable and I think my sister-in-law was glad that we thought about her.

Would anyone like to post a comment on why I can't seem to lose that extra 25 pounds that I've carried around for so long?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

what I won't do to get my two cents in

All I really wanted to do was post a reply to my one of my friend, Nat's, blogs. Since the only way possible to accomplish this was to sign in and create a user name and so forth, I decided that I, too, would become a real 21st century woman: a blogger.

My blog name is derived from the fact that, so far, I've always lived to tell about all the trials and errors, triumphs and failures, blessings and curses, ect....(you get the picture) of my life..(and sometimes the lives of others.) I figured that maybe, somehow, the Lord would use my blog for some desperate soul who finds themselves up at 3am...Googling phrases like, "God, please give me the answer" or "Just one word from God" or "I don't have a clue"...or something like that...(not that I've ever done that...hehehe) and then perhaps, our Mighty Father, in His all powerful, merciful and loving ways, would see fit to lead them to this computer place and use some common piece of pottery fragment from the "cracked pot" that I am, and perhaps "scrape thier lesions" with it. (Oh dear, I may not be very good at this!!) Well, we are all cracked pots, aren't we.

Well, here goes. When I push that orange "publish post" button, I'm out here in computer soup land.
